不是爬前面那棵樹,是爬後面那座山,Mount Warning 警告山,最後一段路,要垂直攻頂,厲害吧!澳洲國寶鳥Kookaburra拜訪我們的營地
FAYA久違的登山露營,即將在復活節的假期中,重現江湖。Mount Warning 警告山!是澳洲原住民的聖山。Mount Warning remains significant to Aboriginal people, providing a traditional mythology that extends back to the dreamtime. Called 'Wollumbin,' meaning 'fighting chief of the mountains,' the Aboriginal people believed that lightning and thunder observed on the mountain were warring warriors and that landslides were wounds obtained in battle. 挑戰有點難度的8.8公里Mount Warning,最後一段垂直山路,要「爬」上山,只要成功攻頂,就是澳洲原住民傳說中的“霹靂閃電戰士”~~ 你/妳準備接受挑戰了嗎?
爬山:Take the 8.8 km climb to the top of Mount Warning
看日出:Mt Warning is the first to see the mainland sun! Get up there & see the sunrise!
野生動物:See local wildlife like wallabies, pademelons, birds, reptiles
時間: 13/April/2007(五)-15/April/2007(日) 3天2夜
地點: Mount Warning National Park 警告山國家公園 (位於NSW北邊,近QLD州界,距布里斯本2個半小時車程)
費用: FAYA會員80元或非會員85元 (3天2夜 含車資,餐費,露營)
主辦單位: FAYA澳亞青年團友會
報名請洽: Stanley 0433192179, Ralf 0421308658
詳情: http://myfaya.blogspot.com/
或 EMAIL : myfaya@gmail.com
必帶裝備: 秋天山上,晚上氣溫低,記得要攜帶禦寒衣物、和冬天用的睡袋(棉被也行)、適合登山或健行的鞋子、自己準備環保餐具(愛護地球、不提供免洗餐具)、輕便背包(爬山時可背水瓶、簡單食物)、個人藥品、雨具、帽子、防曬油、等
3 則留言:
Dear my friend, thank you for sending the mail to me, I hope to joint FAYA ativty when I back to Brisbane next time.