團友會第八屆會長就職演說 : 25/06/2006
The Honorary Gary Hardgrave, Distinguished guests, Lady and Gentleman,
救國團召集人李鐘桂博士 林烱垚主任 團友會劉天魁總會長 來自全世界團友會的會長 朋友們
驻布里斯本 田中光 處長 及長官們 各僑界 社團 僑領 先進 朋友們
各位鄉親 兄姐 弟弟妹妹 大家好
As I begin, I thank President John Chen for his 2 years service to FAYA; and I also thank all our Honorary Consultants, Honorary Presidents, Advisory Committees, Professional Club, Youth Corp and all our members and friends in these 10 years.
I am honoured and humbled for the opportunity that you have given to me. Today, we are here in this magnificent Parliament house, where many of FAYA’s presidents have come here before, and I believe many of our young generation of FAYA will follow.
Without your contribution and support, I won’t be able to stand here to serve as the coming 8th President of FAYA and celebrate our 10 years anniversary today.
FAYA: Friendship Australasia Youth Association. It is young organistaion with many young people. FAYA is our home, it is our home in Australia.
I would like to thanks for your coming, and welcome you all to join us today.
我們將會盡力 繼續在澳洲 美麗的南方大陸,為旅居海外 青年學子 服務奉獻。FAYA是各位在澳洲的另一個家,感謝各位今天的參與 FAYA加油 謝謝各位
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